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Splash Biography


Major: MAE

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Nathaniel Cope

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X367: Rock Climbing 101 Section #1 in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
The world exists in three dimensions - why are you only moving in two of them? Come to the Princeton University Outdoor Action Rock Wall on Splash Day for a adventure-filled introduction to one of the greatest sports in the world, taught by real Princeton students and rock climbers! First, you'll learn safety knots, terminology, and how to belay - then, you'll take on the Wall itself, climbing over thirty feet under any one of our thirteen sections of Wall! Challenge is all by choice - no one will be forced to climb higher than they want to! Guys, girls, and other-gendered beings of all ages are welcome for either of two three-hour sections of music, climbing, and all-around fun! Never touched a wall before or been climbing since birth, guaranteed we have something for you! Bring your friends, bring your enemies, bring yourself - CLIMB FOREVER!

X384: Rock Climbing 101 Section #2 in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
The world exists in three dimensions - why are you only moving in two of them? Come to the Princeton University Outdoor Action Rock Wall on Splash Day for a adventure-filled introduction to one of the greatest sports in the world, taught by real Princeton students and rock climbers! First, you'll learn safety knots, terminology, and how to belay - then, you'll take on the Wall itself, climbing over thirty feet under any one of our thirteen sections of Wall! Challenge is all by choice - no one will be forced to climb higher than they want to! Guys, girls, and other-gendered beings of all ages are welcome for either of two three-hour sections of music, climbing, and all-around fun! Never touched a wall before or been climbing since birth, guaranteed we have something for you! Bring your friends, bring your enemies, bring yourself - CLIMB FOREVER! [This section is only two hours, whereas the other one is three - Splash is only so long, after all. There'll be less overall time to learn and climb in this one, but it'll still be great!]