Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who runs Princeton Splash?
Splash is an enrichment program fully run by Princeton University students. We're part of at least 35 other Splash chapters nationwide that create fun education programs for middle and high school students.
2. How can I be notified about upcoming Splash programs?
To be added to our mailing lists, you should create an account on our website. Once you have done so, you will receive periodic emails with information about upcoming Splash programs.
3. How can I edit my profile, change my password, or disable my account?
You can access these account settings at the account management page.
4. Where can I get help with logging in?
If you are having trouble logging in to your account, you should check out our login help page. If you are unable to log in with your username, and creating a new account says that your username is already in use, note that usernames are case sensitive!
5. Are there other programs like Splash?
Yes! There are many similar programs at several other universities! You can see a list of these programs on Learning Unlimited's website. High school students can find other Splash programs across the country at Stanford, MIT, and Yale, in addition to the Princeton version. Each Splash chapter features different classes taught by the university's college students, so you will learn new skills. Double check the age requirement because some schools host high school programs while others welcome middle school students too.
6. What if I have a question not on this list?
Please send an email to splash@princeton.edu for any other questions! We're running into some technical difficulties with our primary email! For now, reach out to our co-directors Umar (ul1464@princeton.edu) or Sofia (ss5279@princeton.edu).