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Splash Biography

MARY GILSTAD, Sophomore studying Japanese and Classical Greek

Major: Comparative Literature

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Mary Gilstad

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I was born in Maryland, but with two Navy doctor parents I also lived in Puerto Rico and Japan each for three years. At Princeton I play trombone in the University Band (the silly and traditional one), tutor, write and enjoy myself. I also dabble in the theatre, a field in which I hope to expand my activity in the near future. I am teaching a class on meditation for splash because I have been interested in meditation and spirituality (both religious and not necessarily) for a long time and want to share what I have learned about meditation from my experience with Zen in Japan. I also want to experiment with group meditation and the efficacy of various thought approaches for different people. Finally, I am obviously interested in teaching– I hope to learn from whoever takes my "class" and I hope they can learn from me!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H68: The Joys and Oddities of Meditation in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
Taught by someone who has experienced Japanese Zen meditation in Kyoto and Ishikawa, Japan, and wants to bring some of the peculiarities of the practice to a wider audience, The Joys and Oddities of Meditation will allow students to experiment with meditation styles and learn the various aims of a practice that often gets either a mystical or "mental health-nut" image. The class will be conducted as a combination of experimental theatre workshop and language arts class. We will look at a few texts, write a bit, and, of course, "meditate."