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Splash Biography


Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Involved with SPLASH in past year and through MIT

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Lori Trojak

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X599: Spending Quality Time Traveling in Europe - Part 1 in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
Part 1 of this class focuses on what to see in Europe. Whether you dream of months exploring, a college year abroad or a couple quick week's vacations, Europe holds many wonders. Far more than just what sights to see, I plan on linking countries through common themes and regions, cultures and history. Europe has gone through some personality changes the past 5 years but still holds immense charm and beauty. This class will help you get to know it a little bit more. (Part 2 is more about the actual mechanics of travelling the area. You can choose either Part or both but if both, please be sure to register for each class separately.)

X600: Spend Quality Time Traveling in Europe - Part 2 in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
Part 2 of this class focuses on how to plan a trip to Europe. Whether you dream of months exploring, a college year abroad or a couple quick week's vacations, Europe holds many wonders and time is valuable. We will discuss the best way to travel (air, train, sleeper cars, car), where to stay (hostel, air bnb, hotel) and how to budget for maximum time, limited funds but still enjoying the highlights. (Part 1 is more about planning what to see in Europe and less of how to see it. You can choose either Part or both but if both, please be sure to register for each class separately.)

X402: Travel the USA in Splash Spring 2017 (Apr. 29, 2017)
From seeing whales and the Aurora Borealis, to getting caught in a canyon thunder storm, visiting a Dude Ranch, swimming with 150 year old turtles, black and green sand beaches, astronomical sights and many other wonders this country's landscape (water and sky) hold. This class will be part slide show. I've traveled the country in RV, plane, train, and other ways and spent over a year and half in free travel. Bring your questions.

X377: Anyone Can Learn to Sing Well in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
Ever wanted to learn to sing but are intimidated by others around you. Or if you have a voice that sounds great in the shower but you are afraid you are off key out of the shower and just lip sing when you are in Church or public? Then this class is for you. I will teach you the basics of singing. Techniques, warmup activities, practices, vibrato (how to vibrate your voice), how to stay on pitch and a lot more. If you already sing, I will also discuss strengthening your voice, belting, protecting your voice and varying the sounds. You have a unique instrument that no one else on Earth has – your voice – learn how to use it!

X378: Time to Tap Dance in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
An hour is hardly enough time to learn a whole dance genre but I can teach you enough to get you through an audition of the basic moves and if you practice, you can continue to learn enough to actually piece the steps together to do an entire dance. This is a class about the basic steps and putting them together to perform the #1 dance move in all auditions.

X379: Travel the USA in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
From seeing whales and the Aurora Borealis, to getting caught in a canyon thunder storm, visiting a Dude Ranch, swimming with 150 year old turtles, black and green sand beaches, astronomical sights and many other wonders this country's landscape (water and sky) hold. This class will be part slide show. I've traveled the country in RV, plane, train, and other ways and spent over a year and half in free travel. Bring your questions.