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Splash Biography


Major: Psychology/Neuroscience

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Michael Granovetter

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S240: Crash Course in Neuroscience--Why Study the Brain? in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 25, 2015)
Why do we have a brain? And how can we even begin to think about studying it? Are the theories that have been established credible? In about an hour, we'll take a tour of the brain, discussing what we already know about its function, how we've gotten this far, and the work in the field that has yet to be completed.

S306: Neurobiological Communication: How Your Everyday Behaviors All Boil Down to the Flow of Ions in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 25, 2015)
Many behaviors can be linked to brain activity. But what is this "activity"? In this class, we'll be discussing what is known about neuronal communication, including a review of the action potential--how it's generated and its effects on neural systems. In addition to discussing the microscopic details of synaptic connections, we'll take a look at how neuroscientists build models to explain how the integration of millions of signals in the brain can explain human behaviors at the macroscopic level.

S135: Crash Course in Neuroscience--Why Study the Brain? in Splash Spring 14 (Apr. 26, 2014)
Why do we have a brain? And how can we even begin to think about studying it? Are the theories that have been established credible? In about an hour, we'll take a tour of the brain, discussing what we already know about its function, how we've gotten this far, and the work in the field that has yet to be completed.

S137: Neurobiological Communication: How Your Everyday Behaviors All Boil Down to the Flow of Ions in Splash Spring 14 (Apr. 26, 2014)
Many behaviors can be linked to brain activity. But what is this "activity"? In this class, we'll be discussing what is known about neuronal communication, including a review of the action potential--how it's generated and its effects on neural systems. In addition to discussing the microscopic details of synaptic connections, we'll take a look at how neuroscientists build models to explain how the integration of millions of signals in the brain can explain human behaviors at the macroscopic level.

S105: Crash Course in Neuroscience--Why Study the Brain? in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
Why do we have a brain? And how can we even begin to think about studying it? Are the theories that have been established credible? In about an hour, we'll take a tour of the brain, discussing what we already know about its function, how we've gotten this far, and the work in the field that has yet to be completed.

H106: How to Tell a Story in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
We tell stories everyday. But how can we take our day-to-day conversations one step further and make them compelling? In this class, we'll talk about the art of crafting a narrative, whether it's a piece of journalism, a personal memoir, or a work of fiction.