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Splash Biography

ABDULRAHMAN MAHMOUD, Princeton senior in ELE studying comp architecure

Major: ELE

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Abdulrahman Mahmoud

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Abdulrahman is a senior electrical engineering major who loves computers more than food. He has taken a lot of classes in both ELE and CS, and plans to pursue a PhD in Computer Architecture. Abdulrahman not only built his own computer at the end of his sophomore year in college, but also helped build computers for many of his friends since then.
Abdulrahman is also an avid gamer. His favorite games at the moment are Battlefield 3 and Skyrim (PC of course)! He loves to discuss various aspects of gaming as well as graphics cards with fellow enthusiasts, and gets really excited every time a new GPU or CPU is released to the market. In his free time, Abdulrahman likes to web design, play soccer, watch TV.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M95: From the transistor to your laptop: How does a computer actually work? in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
Did you ever think about what was going on inside your computer as you read this text? Are you at all appealed by circuit and all that stuff inside your laptop? Or do you just care about what will give you the most frames per second while playing Crysis on highest settings? Well this talk is for you! I hope to cover the basics from how a transistor works with another transistor to slowly build up a full computer that lets you run all your favorite apps. Nothing is cooler than a computer, except know how a computer actually works!