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Splash Biography

AARON KABCENELL, Princeton Junior Studying Physics

Major: Physics

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of Aaron Kabcenell

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Aaron Kabcenell is a junior physics major getting a certificate in applications of computing. His main research interests are in atomic physics, and for the past two years has been building a co-magnetometer to precision measurements of fundamental forces. When not in lab, he is either fiddling with computers or playing cello in the Princeton University Sinfonia.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S78: Conceptual Quantum Mechanics in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
Neils Bohr once said "Anyone not shocked by quantum mechanics has not yet understood it." Quantum mechanics is one of the most important subjects in physics, yet with its reliance on probability rather than certainty and the presence of oddities like half-alive cats, it is also vastly different from what we see around us every day. In this course, we will learn about how this world of the very, very, very small differs from the one that we know so well, to the point where even taking a measurement can become an ordeal! We will cover some of the major historical experiments and observations in the field, with a focus on the concepts and a minimum of mathematics, to learn why this field is so weird and fascinating.