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Splash Biography

GEETA PERSAD, Princeton grad. student studying Earth's climate

Major: Program in Atmos. and Ocean. Sci

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Geeta Persad

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Geeta Persad is in the 2nd year of her PhD graduate degree in Atmospheric Science. She studies how the tiny particles that get emitted by things like forest fires, volcanoes, coal plants, and automobiles affect the Earth's climate. She did her undergraduate degree in Geophysics at Stanford University, where she studied everything from how we can use satellites to predict volcanic eruptions to how to model clouds using high-powered computers. She's traveled the world studying the Earth's climate--from New Zealand to Nepal to Brazil--and loves dance, theater, and good food.

Geeta will be teaching her class with other members of the Princeton Energy and Climate Scholars, a group of PhD students studying everything from solar power to water resources to wind energy and beyond. They're all looking forward to sharing their work with some sharp high schoolers and getting your take on tackling climate change!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S72: Tackling Climate Change: Play the Game! in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
How much do you know climate change? Do you know what causes it? Have you ever thought about ways we can combat it? Come learn about the science of climate change, and the technologies and strategies that have been developed to tackle it! Then partner with other students to come up with your team's own strategy for combatting climate change, and go head to head with other teams to defend your solutions!