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Splash Biography

HENRY BIRGE-LEE, Princeton freshman studying physics

Major: Physics

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Henry Birge-Lee

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My main pursuit is physics, but I have always taken an interest in programming and computer security. I pursue both of them as hobbies in my free time. In high school I was on a team of 5 people that competed in a computer security competition called CyberPatriot. My team won the national championship for the open division my junior year and got 2nd place my senior year. I also enjoy doing programming and exploring security on the side.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M317: Computer Security Taught Through Offensive Measures in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 30, 2016)
Learn computer security by learning some of the basic tools, techniques, and vulnerabilities that are exploited to attack systems. Computer Security is a rapidly growing and interesting field, and with more and more devices connected, protecting information systems is more important than ever before. Learning defensive computer security is useful, but it is also important to understand the types of attacks these defensive measures are designed to prevent. Being able to carry out an attack gives someone a true idea of what an attack is capable of and the subtleties of how an attack works. This is a hands on lab that will teach the following security concepts and the attacks that make them necessary: Assume public computers are compromised: Ways to gain admin access to a computer Never type your password on a computer that you don’t know is secure: How key loggers can steal passwords Do not use secure passwords for computer user account login (and in general do not use the same password more than once): Recovering plain text passwords from windows machines Do not type passwords into sites that are not HTTPs: Network monitoring with wire shark Keep your software up to date: Server Service Vulnerability (documented by MS08-067, CVE-2008-4250) This class is in the form of a hands on lab where all students will be able to try these different attacks against test systems. In addition to teaching good security, this class serves as an intro to penetration testing (and you will learn what MS08-067 means).