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Splash Biography

DAVID BIEBER, Princeton senior studying Computer Science

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of David Bieber

Brief Biographical Sketch:

David Bieber enjoys mathematics, puzzles, and tennis, and he's a big fan of online education. He likes using programming to simplify life and figure things out, and he generally enjoys making things like games and puns. At Princeton David is active in ACM, where he throws Code@Nights and organizes talks and contests and tries to convert people into COS majors. In fact, he probably thinks you too ought to be studying computer science. He spends his time thinking about how people learn best, how fortunate he's been to have had such amazing teachers his whole life, and how silly it is that Princeton uses the TLA "COS" to refer to computer science.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M131: Puzzles and Problem Solving in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 27, 2013)
Join me for an hour of critical thinking, word play, and mathematical puzzles. Tackle puzzles with your mind, with pen and paper, and with programming. No prior programming or puzzling experience necessary. A healthy admiration for mathematics is encouraged.