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Splash Biography

ROLAND FONG, Princeton Computer Science Major

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Roland Fong

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I graduated from a technical high school in Edison NJ, where I studied basic electrical and computer engineering. Prior to college I tutored middle school students in mathematics and helped high school students with test prep. I primarily develop Android mobile applications and web applications and interned at Yext last summer. Some of my side projects can be seen on my Github (www.github.com/rfblue2).

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E591: Build a Personal Website in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
Learn how to build your own personal website hosted on github! Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and version control with git. Please bring your own laptop if you have one!

E506: Build a Personal Website in Splash Spring 2018 (Apr. 21, 2018)
Learn how to build your own personal website hosted on github! Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and version control with git. Please bring your own laptop if you have one!