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Splash Biography

PATRICK SWEENEY, Business owner and Princeton senior

Major: ORFE

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Patrick Sweeney

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a senior at Princeton University studying Operations Research and Financial Engineering with a certificate in finance. Outside of school, I'm the owner of Aquatic United LLC, a lifeguard training company that works alongside the Red Cross to certify students to become lifeguards in their local communities. I'm extremely passionate about the field of aquatics (and lifeguarding in particular) and can't wait to share what I know with the next generation of high schoolers.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X829: Intro to Lifeguarding in Splash 2024 (Apr. 20, 2024)
Looking for a great job that you can start THIS summer? Lifeguarding is a rewarding and impactful summer job that will make you stand out from your peers, and this course will cover what it's all about. Come learn some basic rescue techniques and find out how you can get lifeguard certified before the summer begins. We'll also discuss some great career paths in aquatics and how working in the field can strengthen your college applications.

X673: Intro to Lifeguarding in Splash 2023 (Apr. 22, 2023)
Looking for a great job that you can start THIS summer? Lifeguarding is a rewarding and impactful summer job that will make you stand out from your peers, and this course will cover what it's all about. Come learn some basic rescue techniques and find out how you can get lifeguard certified before the summer begins. We'll also discuss some great career paths in aquatics and how working in the field can strengthen your college applications.