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Splash Biography


Major: Hopefully, Neuroscience

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Johanna Linna

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Violist Johanna won first place at the 2018 American String Teacher Association Solo Competition and was also a semifinalist at the Mondavi Competition of 2017. As a co-principal of Idyllwild Art’s 2017 Chamberfest Orchestra, Johanna performed works of Mahler and Bernstein in Walt Disney Concert Hall. She has participated in All Southern (SCSBOA) and All State (CODA) Honors Orchestras. In addition to being a violist, Johanna is a composer: her piece, “A Day in the National Park,” earned an honorable mention at “Pageant of the Arts” competition. She plans to study neuroscience and she loves hiking, skiing, and reading murder mysteries

Jaeyoon is a sophomore from Dallas, Texas who plans to study Molecular Biology. She has been a classically trained violinist for 10 years now, and she is the co-concertmaster of the Princeton Sinfonia Orchestra on campus. A fun fact is that she has perfect pitch! Outside of campus and music, Jaeyoon loves teaching, trying new foods, and ice skating.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A606: CLASSical Music: Understanding the Complexities of Shostakovitch's 8th quartet in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
We will be listening to different kinds of classical music. Specifically, we will be focusing on Shostakovitch's 8th quartet. It is his autobiographical quartet. We will discuss what it means to write in "the language of music," and consider how it is more effective than words. The course is open to students with no musical experience, and all we ask is a a listening ear.