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Splash Biography

BEN GUZOVSKY, Princeton junior, school escape artist

Major: History

College/Employer: Princeton

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Ben Guzovsky

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm an education researcher, so I've travelled to schools in 15 states sitting in on classes, eating um... lunches, and asking students what's broken about school.

Turns out there's a way to change school. Today.

If an FBI hostage negotiator had your worst teacher, or Gandhi had to fight your school's most toxic policy, or that hot dog eating contest guy had to eat your school lunch... okay he probably would, that's not the point:

If sharp, capable people were in your shoes, would they feel trapped? Stressed? Anxious?

Would they do anything differently?

My job is to convince you the answers are no, no, no, and yes, then to show you how to change school.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X718: Escape your classroom in Splash 2023 (Apr. 22, 2023)
I'm an education researcher, so I've travelled to high schools in 15 states sitting in on classes, eating um... lunches, and asking students what's broken about school. Turns out there's a way to change school. Today. If an FBI hostage negotiator had your worst teacher, or Gandhi had to fight your school's most toxic policy, or that hot dog eating contest guy had to eat your school lunch... okay he probably would, that's not the point: If sharp, capable people were in your shoes, would they feel trapped? Stressed? Anxious? Would they do anything differently? My job is to convince you the answers are no, no, no, and yes, then to show you how to change your school. We'll talk about what sucks in class, in hallways, and in the cafeteria, then design an activity together that'll show you how to change that. We might run an escape room with a twist, start a food fight, or get every Princeton student in our building to wear a unicorn horn, but it'll be super productive I promise.