Splash Biography
PAVEL SHIBAYEV, Princeton senior studying physics.
Major: Physics College/Employer: Rutgers University Year of Graduation: G |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
My aspiration is to pursue research in experimental physics, particularly the condensed matter domain. I have been working in Professor Zahid Hasan's research group since summer 2013 on a number of projects, using various techniques, such as point-contact spectroscopy, with the eventual goal of inducing superconductivity in topological insulators at low temperatures. My senior thesis is on topological properties of correlated electron systems. Having lived in New Jersey for many years, I have attended the Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology, a selective magnet high school, where as part of my extracurriculars I have pursued biophysics research and participated in a number of physics-related competitions, solidifying my academic interest in this field. During my last year of high school I have also conducted research in materials physics: tracing potentially hazardous substances at ultra-low concentrations using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at Stevens Institute of Technology. You can read more about my research interests here: After graduating from Princeton, I intend to continue my studies in graduate school. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S509: The Wonders of Topological Superlattices in Splash Spring 2018 (Apr. 21, 2018)
In this class we will explore the mysteries and recent experimental findings surrounding one of the interesting realms of condensed matter physics, in particular within the context of topological materials.
Topological superlattices have been seriously studied by several research groups recently, and I will introduce you to the observations (validated by theory) of phase transitions that take place in samples consisting of heterostructures of alternating layers of topological and normal insulators. An explanation of experimental techniques will be provided, along with the demonstration of actual samples used in this recent research. If you find experimental physics exciting, this class is for you!
S228: Cold atom trapping in Splash Spring 14 (Apr. 26, 2014)
This class will discuss two interesting topics in solid state/condensed matter physics: the theory of superconductivity and cold atom trapping, both of which were awarded a Nobel Prize in physics within the last several decades. All those interested are encouraged to sign up; no prerequisite is required other than a desire to learn.